Board Advisor

Board Advisor: choose wise, surf better!

Unsure about your needs? Are you hesitating between several models? Or do you have doubts about which sizes are best suitable to meet your requirements?
A board that matches your need will allow you to catch more waves, go faster and draw bolder and more ambitious lines, surfing in a natural and instinctive way…

By advising thousands of different surfers, before designing and building their boards, I have developed a simple and effective method to select the board that will best suit your profile and allow you to set your sessions on fire!

I’ll give you the basics:

The 4 essential criteria
for choosing the right board:


The type of shape


The length


The width


The thickness

So, what about the volume?

From my point of view, the overall volume of a board only has a marginal impact on its functioning; how it is distributed matters more than its absolute value.
Using volume as the main measure for choosing a board simplifies the process, but easily leads to wrong conclusions and a lack of efficiency.
For sure, the volume exerts a major influence on the buoyancy of a board, when it is stationary! But at high speed, the area and the shape of the bottom, the profile of the rails, are much more important.
My advice ? Forget the volume and focus on the type of board that meets your expectations and on the choice of the measurements adapted to your body frame and your specific needs!

Let’s go

Choose the right type of shape,
depending on the style you wish to adopt



Choose the right
performance shortboard

To deliver the best efficiency, high-performance boards must be chosen with measurements based almost solely on the body frame of the surfer!

To make an analogy, this type of board works like a springboard: a shape that is too small is like a springboard that is too soft: your push will only generate sluggish and weak drive; a board that is too big will react like a springboard that is too stiff: even pushing hard on it will not affect the lifeless momentum.

It is therefore essential for a ”high-performance shortboard” to be chosen primarily according to the size and the weight of the surfer, whatever his level, gender, or age: too small or too large boards will not work correctly.

shortboad choice surf

Choose the right length

To choose the right length we pay attention to the size of the surfer and, depending on the model, to the size of the waves you want to face:

A length corresponding to the size of the surfer is ideal for small waves.

A length of 1 or 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) longer than the surfer’s height is perfect for a versatile everyday board.

A length between 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) longer than the surfer’s height will be ideal as a step-up version for bigger conditions.

choix largeur surf shortboard

Choose the right width

To choose the right width, we pay attention to the proportions of the model and, above all, to the type of waves in which you want to use the board:

Small and soft waves = larger width

Bigger and hollower waves = smaller width

choisir epaisseur surf shortboard

Choose the right thickness

To choose the thickness, we pay attention to the type of waves in which you want to use the board and, above all, to the surfer weight:

Light surfer/small waves = less thickness

Heavy surfer/bigger waves = more thickness

Theory is good…
Practice is better!

Here are some examples,
for a performance shortboard,
with balanced measurements,
for a 1m75 / 70kg surfer:

surfboard choice advice

Everyday conditions

For ‘everyday conditions’ (80 cm to 2m, correct quality), I advise choosing a length 1” or 2” more than the surfer’s size, width in proportion, and thickness appropriate to the surfer’s weight:

Length :





Width :





Thickness :





shortboard petites vagues

Small waves

For a version for small waves (shoulder size and below) I recommend going down 1” or 2” in length (matching the surfer’s size), adding between 1/4” and 1/2” in width, keeping the same thickness and the same rail profile than the ”everyday conditions” board:

Length :





Width :





Thickness :





conseils shortboard grosses vagues

Consistent waves

For a step-up version, suited for over-head to double over-head waves, I recommend adding between 2” and 4” in length, compared to the board for ”everyday conditions”, keeping the same width and adding between 1/8” and 1/4” in thickness:

Length :





Width :





Thickness :







hybrid performer

Choose the right
hybrid performer

While for high-performance shortboards the character is clearly defined (performance, strong turns), for a hybrid shape the chosen measurements will define the personality of the board.

In fact, these shapes, thanks to softer lines and more generous proportions, allow more latitude in the choice of measurements, and should be chosen, first of all, according to the level and the style of the surfer.

funboard surf

Liveliness or comfort?

The compact versions, between 2 and 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) shorter than the surfer’s size, deliver an extraordinary liveliness, to unleash a dynamic and creative style.

Longer versions will offer plenty of sincerity and forgiveness, as well as a sumptuous flow, ideal to express a flowing and elegant style.

funboard largeur epaisseur

What width and thickness?

The basic principles for defining the width and thickness of a board also apply to hybrid shapes:

  • Wider and thinner boards will be more effective in small and soft waves
  • Narrower and thicker boards will be more effective in more powerful and hollow waves

Compared to a performance shortboard, on a hybrid shape, which usually has wider than normal nose and tail, my advice is to add at least 1 inch in width, and between 1/8 and 1/ 4 inches in thickness, to obtain appropriate and balanced proportions.

funboard taille de vague

Wave size

One of the aspects that deserves to be carefully considered, when choosing a hybrid model, is the size of the waves that you wish to face.
Generally speaking, models with more compact proportions, shorter and with wider ends, offer the best performance in small, soft waves.
Models with more elongated proportions, and reasonably narrow ends, offer the ability to confidently handle consistent waves .

To go a little further:

Some additional details
will make the surfer/surfboard connection
even more effective:


Powerful surfers, who push hard on their feet, will have a better feeling with a “fuller” rail, and less thickness in the center of the board, to keep a coherent volume.

On the contrary, surfers with a fluid style and light footed, will find more efficiency with a thinner rail profile, and a little more thickness in the center of the board.

rails surf
carene surf

Bottom contour

For an ideal match between the style of the surfer (no question of body size here) and the shape of the board, surfers with a powerful style and heavy feet will preferably choose models with deep concaves, capable to convert the surfer’s power into drive and explosiveness.

Surfers with a more fluid style and light feet will prefer models with shallower concaves, possibly accompanied by V-sections, to benefit from a board that is easier to tilt and hold on the rails.

Twinfin, trifin, quad…

The twinfins provide exceptional fluidity, with exceptional speed and maneuverability. Our twinfin models, designed with a specific shape, like to be driven on the rail, with a fairly sober style. Two possible configurations, depending on the type of shape: classic, to be used with “keel” type fins; or performance, to be used with “twin performance” fins.

The trifin, sincere and predictable, is clearly the most popular and all-purpose set-up. Tolerant and effective for any type of board, it nevertheless requires being driven with good technique to deliver its qualities.

The quad (quattro) provides acceleration, hold and fast rail-to-rail transition. Depending on the choice of rear fins, you can influence and optimize the character of the board (making it more or less loose).

Some shapes in our range (MasterMind and Mid-L) are also available in a 2+1 version, with side fins and central US box, to be able to use them with a large single fin, and enjoy an even more sober and classic glide…

surfboard fins
collection rt surfboards

The collection

Discover the models of our range:
shapes with a strong personality, designed with a passionate attention to the detail. The result of several decades of research, with an obsession with efficiency, focusing on what is really important for the surfer.… Search by model, type, style, condition…

Want to know more ?

Contact us: we will be delighted to discuss
and share our passion.

Our mission is to listen to your desires,
satisfy your needs and meet your
requirements by creating the boards of your dreams!

We love surfboards