
Welcome to our new website!

We have sought to share, as much as possible, the intensity and the passion with which we make our surfboards.

We have worked carefully to present you with complete and detailed information, while remaining, I hope, clear and understandable; with technicality, but avoiding excessive jargon.

On the site, you will not find an ”on-line store” strictly speaking: despite technical progress and the on-line commerce being widely adopted, we believe that, to buy a surfboard, filling a form is just not enough…

Contact, interaction, sharing of information (even only in writing) are necessary to make the right choice.

Even if we have taken care of the details… we are well aware that nothing is perfect: so, do not hesitate to share with us your misunderstandings, to point out and let us know the errors that you have spotted, or to ask us questions to which you didn’t find the answer…

We are always looking to improve and progress!

